RCSI, Project Connect, Dublin

This project comprises of the construction of a 13,000m2, 6 Storey building above ground and 2 storey below ground for the Royal College of Surgeons on St. Stephen’s Green in Dublin.
The development will consist of the construction of a building of varying heights from five to eight storeys (including setbacks) (with roof top plant) of 10,339 sqm gross floor area (including roof top plant of 74 sqm) over lower ground floor (1,420 sqm) and basement (1,585 sqm) levels.
The development will also include the provision of: a ground floor level entrance lobby to No. 26 York Street (previously completed by Bennett) to its south elevation; a second floor level link, connecting the new building to second floor level of No. 26 York Street; and an ESB substation and security hut to the rear of No. 26 York Street at Cuffe Lane.