Lakeland Dairies, Bailieborough

Lakeland Dairies appointed Bennett Construction to construct their new dryer, an evaporator and silo buildings on their existing site at Shercock Road, Bailieborough, Cavan.
This new extension / dryer facility increased their output of dried milk powder from an existing output of 5 tonne per hour by an additional 7 tonne per hour.
The project consisted of demolition of an existing single storey store area, and removal of the concrete floors and relocation of existing fire escape stairs.
The 38m high (5 storey) dryer building, adjacent evaporator and silo buildings were constructed of structural steel frame with cladding with wide slab floors and 2 number in-situ concrete stair cores for overall frame stability. The buildings were supported on piles with integral ground beams and a suspended floor slab.
Other ancillary works included storm, foul and effluent drainage and concrete yard works as well as an electrical switch room. Other works at the intake part of the Bailieborough site included piling and a concrete base for 8 Nr new intake milk silos.